Welcome to The Bevis Producer Review, a Review With Real Results

The Bevis Producer Review is slightly different than the other reviews I do, because achieved the produced results are now backed up by students and not the vendor itself.

The Bevis Producer is an online training by Nishkarsh and Srijan & launched by Tom E.
To say it with Toms own words:”It’s the most amazing method and product that I’ve ever been part of”. If you know Tom, then you know these are powerful words.

Right now, in The Bevis Producer review, I want to let you know that Nishkarsh and Srijan are making 40K a month and they decided to start a private beta group 8 months ago which went absolutely crazy. About 30-40 people started, and almost everyone started getting results right away.

And that’s what I love so much about this training. It’s not only the trainer that is having results. It’s the students that are producing similar results!

Check out the video below where I go more into The Bevis Producer details.

What exactly is The Bevis Producer?

The Bevis Producer is an online training that shows you step by step how to start an online Shopify store and sell other peoples products. We call this drop shipping. Now I know what most people think. Most people think that dropshipping is dead. Well, you’re wrong big time!

If you do dropship the old way, it will be hard to get your business off the ground. However, Nishkars and Srijan have given a unique twist to dropshipping.

Look at the results the students are having.
Shane Batt, had a $1500 day

The bevis producer review

The bevis producer review


Stefan got a $5,244.81 day

The bevis producer reviewAnd many more examples you can see in the actual sales video.

It’s not what you think it is

Now when I think about dropshipping, I immediately think about Chinese tech products, like watches, phones, tablets, drones, etc. But it doesn’t have anything to do with that. These markets are over saturated and you are just like all the thousands of others trying to sell the same products.

The store that you are going to create will be totally different. It’s focused on one specific product. A product that also looks like it’s saturated, but it’s not, because you are going to sell it with a twist. The twist is that you are selling it as custom-made products.

Nish and Srijan are showing you exactly how to find the most popular items and how to turn them into custom products. As you’ve seen above, the results that the students are getting are insane.

After going through this training I immediately saw the value that you will get.
These guys know what they are talking about. I can understand that if you implement what you see that you will see results.

How much experience you need to get started.

Personally, I don’t think this has anything to do with experience. I think it has more to do with the willingness to succeed. If you are determined to make this a success, anyone can overcome the technical difficulties. And to be clear, I don’t think there will be too much technical difficulties, because you are going to run a Shopify store. All details on how to setup is well explained in the training.

How you are going to promote your products

You will learn 2 strategies through 2 channels, Facebook and Instagram. You will learn a free strategy and a paid strategy (which I personally prefer).

if you don’t have an Instagram account, no problem. You will see that you can get results pretty quickly with a new account. I also recommend you to checkout Re-kaching which is a software that builds your Instagram on autopilot.

As I said, personally I prefer paid traffic because this will cost you less time and it’s easier to scale. If you don’t have the funds to start with paid traffic you can start for free, get results and upgrade yourself to paid strategies.

There are multiple different methods explained how to do this.
The nice thing is, if you can turn 1 dollar into 2, it’s scalable to big numbers!

You are building a true business

A lot of training that come out these days promise you the whole world. They promise you that you can make 100 or 200 dollars a day while actually, it is not possible to repeat it on a daily basis. With this product it’s different. If you take this serious, you can seriously make this your real business and make a full time living from it. I think in this case persistence is key.

Why do I believe this?
Because it’s not only the vendors that are having these results but also almost every student that started this journey. It’s nice if a product vendor is having results, but it’s way better if the students are producing similar results. In this matter, the second case is how it is.


At the 25th of July, The Bevis Producer will go live. It’s a unique, proven way to generate big cash from other people’s failures.

I don’t do this often, but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to pick up ALL the upsells if you are serious about succeeding. Within your first week, you can easily get your investment back and you will have access to the best resources to succeed with your store.

bevis producer funnel

The front end product $9.47
This is the main course and will be sold for $9.47

OTO 1 $37: DFY, aka Done For You. (downsell $27)
Twice the profits in half the time with their DFY package. With this you get access to Nish and Sri’s personal $40,000 a month resources that they STILL use to kill it in this niche. DFY Targeting for 20 niches, 50 DFY designs that you can test, DFY Mockup files, DFY Sequences and DFY Theme.

OTO 2 $97: Mastermind Group.  (downsell $47)
This is where the magic happens for their members. In this group, you will get lifetime access to DAILY direct coaching, support, and advice not just from Nish and Srijan, but from every single person who has succeeded with this method. What you get in this group is priceless, as you also get to follow successful marketers and watch over their shoulder as their journey unfolds. VERY powerful way to kickstart everything and keep it going at a high level.

OTO3: 4 Weeks of LIVE coaching sessions. (downsell $97)
With this one, you get full support with your business as it grows, over a whole month, through 4 in-depth, LIVE sessions with Srijan and Nishkarsh themselves. In these sessions, all questions will be answered, and everyone gets all the help they need with their business.

My custom bonuses (only for the first 50 buyers)

I’ve spent a lot of time to create the best custom bonuses for you. The training itself is enough to succeed, however, if you want to get the most out of your new business, then you don’t want to miss these custom bonuses. Buy through my link and you’ll get the most complete bonus addition that you will find anywhere.

Anyone who picks up The Bevis Producer through my link will get the following bonuses.

Over 59 EXTRA training videos by the best Shopify trainer in the world.
This training is given by the person who helped Nish accomplish his insane results, and actually, this training alone is worth way more than all the other bonuses out there.

It is HUGE added value to the existing training and goes way more into details about all the aspects of having an online store. The case studies in The Bevis Producer combined with this training will give you max results that you won’t find anywhere else. Guaranteed!

Keep in mind. Tools don’t make sales, but the right strategy with the tools does!

Exclusive Bonus #2: Shopify Training From an 18 Million Dollar/Year Shopify Earner.
Step up your Bevis Producer game with this extra training bonus. After your purchase you will get this exclusive training that no one else is offering you, given by an 18 million dollar/year Shopify earner.
This training consists of short bites that are easy and quick to swallow.

Some components:

– How to create an authentic brand story for your online store

– Creating Product Detail Pages or Offer pages that sell.

– How to optimize your Cart page and checkout for better conversion.

– Much more

Exclusive Bonus #3: Exit popups for Shopify
Create as many campaigns as you need and capture as many sign-ups as you want with this cloud-based popup builder. Get complete access to hundreds of display templates, use triggers, create coupons that sync to your Shopify, sync to dozens of email providers, and use the ability to send up to 3000 autoresponder emails each month.

A must have for every shopify owner!

Exclusive Bonus #4: 7 FREE Shopify apps that help boost your sales at no extra cost.
With the great collection of Shopify extensions and apps, it can be quite confusing to select the best apps that meet your needs. Get access to these 7 free Shopify apps to boost your sales at no extra cost.

Exclusive Bonus #5: Top 20 most installed free apps

With over 1200 apps in the Shopify App Store, you will have a lot of apps to choose from when it comes to extending the functionality of your shopify store.

Whether you want to get in-depth analytics, improve email marketing, add customer reviews, publish your products to Facebook, there’s without a  doubt ‘an app for that’.

But you know…. With 1200 apps is hard to choose the right ones.

That’s why I will show you the top 20 most installed free apps.

If you’re just getting started on Shopify, or maybe you just want to see which apps everybody else is using, then this is for you!

Exclusive Bonus #6: Learn how to get your first 10,000 Instagram followers insanely fast
Get most out of your Instagram store promotions (as taught in the main training) by following this course which will show you how to get your first 10,000 Instagram followers insanely fast.

Bonus #7: Arbitrage High Roller
This is another product by Nish, Srijan and Tom E. Arbitrage niched, so it’s a perfect compliment to the Bevis Producer.

Bonus #8: Arbitrage Sugardaddy
Also another arbitrage product, which stays within the same niche as The Bevis Producer. Combine these trainings, and you are up to good results!

Bonus #9:“Make $4.97 over and over and over”
This bonus is straight up MMO, perfect for anyone who needs to make cash in a hurry without skills. It will teach you how to help various companies online with tasks, for decent pay. It’s called “Make $4.97 over and over and over”:

Bonus #10: 10x commissions. The secret to $10,000 per month in your spare time
Get access to 10x commissions and learn how to set up a new campaign in only 30 minutes. 10x your commissions with strategic affiliate promotions.

My final Review Score

Easy to use