You know when I started doing internet marketing in in 2010 I was fascinated by it.
I heard from it from a young boy in our church. He was building affiliate websites, and he told me that you could earn money by promoting other peoples products. Just rank your websites on specific keywords, and when people click on a link on your website that refers to a specific product, you got paid if they bought the product. Wow, that sounded simple.
I already knew how to build websites, so I decided to dive into it. In that time it was easy to rank on specific keywords in Google, so after looking into some affiliate programs, I choose to promote iPhones with data plans.
If I remember correct I earned €38 for each plan I sold through my link. Man, for me that was earning gold next to my regular work.
I bought the right domain names, ranked it in Google, and traffic and sales came in! What a enjoyable time was that.
But you know… I lost it all.
After Googles algorithm updates my website bumped from position 1 to nowhere to be found. I went from making daily sales to no sales, and I had no idea what to do.
After my time of glory I had no idea how to get back on track again. I had no idea how to rank a website anymore. Everything that I build was gone from one day to the other. I can tell you, that feeling isn’t very pleasant.
To make a long story short… I struggled many years to get results again. I even quit for a few years, but couldn’t stop thinking about it. So after a few years I tried to pick up momentum, but with no results year after year. After year. Yes, You got it, I was struggling.
You know, there where many times that I thought I had the answer. I was certain that those new ideas would bring me results. I had new faith and I spend many many hours on new projects. I worked till midnight, did everything I could, and you know what I got from it? Nada, noppes, nothing.
I can tell you, that wears you out.
Man I was so disappointed. All that hard work and nobody saw it. I’ve thought about quitting so many times. But you know what? I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t get internet marketing out of my mind. It always kept popping in my head and I started working on new ideas.
Even at the beginning of this year I thought about quitting. I was so sick and tired of having no results that I really wanted to quit. Simply said, I was too tired of all the hard work without having results. When you have no results it’s hard to get new inspiration.
But you know what… I’m SO happy I didn’t quit. Man, I’m so happy that I kept following my heart. I’m so happy that I couldn’t stop thinking about making money online.
Why? Because this year was my breakthrough.
Finally I started getting sales, finally I started to getting results, finally I got peoples attention, and I went from making a few bucks online to tens of thousands of dollars. I can tell you that is life changing.
And this brings me to the beginning of this post.
“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”
The simple answer is Never give up.
Yes, it’s a simple answer, but it doesn’t have to be easy. BUT If I gave up, I would never have seen my breakthrough. I would never have got the results that I have now.
I’m graceful and I thank God for these results because he is my true inspiration. Am I where I wanna be? No not by far, because I believe that your dream always have to be bigger than yourself. You always have to stretch yourself. I’m on my way to my destination and I’m enjoying it.
If you are still struggling, then I hope you got some inspiration out of this post. The fact that you are still reading means that there is something that resonates. It means that you are also qualified for success.
Again, never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.
If you do so, you are positioned to become the most happy and successful man/woman on earth.
Stay strong, and thanks for reading!
Hi Tim, Just wanted to say thanks for this neat post. I needed to read it as I have been going for over a year now and have been feeling rather frustrated as each time I think I know what to do…nothing. but I decided to ‘never give up’ so it’s great to see you have the same idea. I stayed up late reading lots of your reviews of different stuff….I have bought a few of those things like ‘Snapishop’ but then I see something else so have never actually done anything with all the things I have bought!!! It’s so easy to get distracted and see another neat looking software. I just bought an amazing one called ‘chatterpal’ have a look at that I think it’s amazing. Anyway all the best and will keep at it cheers:) . Debra P.S my website is a mess as I don’t know what I’m doing!!
Hey Debra, great to hear you got some value out of the article 🙂
Yeah tools can keep you away from performing. Of course we need tools, but most important is that we take action with the things we have already 🙂
great article and motivated also
Hi Tim
An amazing article reminds me a lot of me for years I have been a must remember to do and forget what you purchased till your bord again or have no work on and then yes the next email is the shinney object that I will make it but you are totally right affiliate marketing is an amazing business I have believed in it so much for years but always got dragged away somehow with work commitments.
I have now during this pandemic and lockdown in my country at my own slow pace on a pc may I ad have after all these years finally decided to applied my self to make a go of software I have purchased over the last few months and years and bonus packs and finally getting my head around things and make another go of it.
You are a totally honest gentleman Tim and an inspiration to people that don’t know you honestly you put that young affiliate hunger (back into me that’s for sure) and into your work that anyone can see I admire you so much no one wants to hear bs they just want to purchase products from someone that really wants you to achieve and can prove he done it the goals he has achieved in such a short time I have enjoyed being part of your success story by purchasing products from you and follow and watch your video tutorials and how much easier you make it for old slow fogies like us and true your help and inspiring article I always believe everything comes to him that waits but I always run out of steam and lose interest but not this time if god spares me in this pandemic I am gonna do it this time that’s for sure
Tim again thank you again for it was just what I needed to read!
Wow Gerard, thank you very much for your reply.
It’s very motivating to hear stories like this.
The journey can be though indeed, but like I said, I’m so happy I never gave up.
Thank you for being part of that journey. You are one of those people that made it possible for me.
Oce again thanks and go for it!