Welcome to my Million Dollar Shortcut Review

Before I dive into this review I first want to mention to check out my custom bonus at the bottom of this page. Why? Because it’s a perfect addition to Million Dollar Shortcut and better than all the crap bonuses out there.

What Is Million Dollar Shortcut?

In short, it is an offer from Brett and Mike where they will give you resell rights to 3 cloud-based software products that you can sell as if it’s your own.

Million Dollar Shortcut Review

Million Dollar Shortcut Review

Diving into the sales page you will see my picture there stating that Brett and Mike helped me to go from $243 last year to almost over $40,000 so far this year”

How was I able to do that? Well, it all started with selling my own software. I followed Bretts advice to create my own product and that resulted in over 1000 sales.

What has Million Dollar Shortcut to do with this?

If you want to make money online, it’s simple. You need products, proven products to be specific.

And that’s exactly what you will get when you buy One Million Dollar Shortcut through this review. Not only that, you will also get the exact training that I got from Brett and Mike. This training will boost your online career like it did with me.


To summarize, you’ll get:

Instant access to 3 cloud-based evergreen, PROVEN software products that you can sell as if they are your own. The cool thing is that you don’t need any programming experience, no product creation is needed as this is an “all done for you” solution.

You’ll get a done for you, high converting sales page. The only thing you have to do is replace the buy button and drive traffic to this page and receive 100% commission on every sale that you’ll make.

And also you will get a live training, actually the exact training I got, which shows you how to get 100% free targeted traffic to your products.

3 products for the price of 1

Another great benefit when you buy this product is that you will get access to all three products yourself.

So what are these resell products?

  1. Social Traffic System…
    Million Dollar Shortcut Review 2which is a User-friendly training that you can sell, and will show you a POWERFUL way to drive 100% FREE targeted traffic from BOTH Google and Facebook automatically!It Includes both Bretts WordPress traffic plugin AND cloud based software to create stunning images.Check out the official Social Traffic System website here
  2. Autonars

    Million Dollar Shortcut Review 3which is an autopilot webinar system that you can sell for a one time fee! Webinars are popular and this product will be a perfect fit to sell to ready to buy market.Check out the official Autonars website here
  3. HiJaxMillion Dollar Shortcut Review 4Add your review/bonus video over other people’s sites, including video scarcity bars to your promotions. Use the Built-in retargeting for cheap traffic.Check out the official HiJax sales page here

All 3 Million Dollar Shortcut resell products are products that have proven to convert.

So if you want to start making sales, This product gets my full approval.
I can highly recommend you to pick it up as it’s high quality and ready for you to make instant sales because of the resell rights.

My custom bonuses (only for the first 50 buyers!)

To make this deal TWO TIMES BETTER I have decided to do something I’ve never done before.

Custom bonus 1
I will give you 100% resell rights to my training Affiliate Secrets also. And I’m not only gonna give you 100% commissions on the front end. I will give you 100% commissions throughout the WHOLE funnel.

This means that when you sell Affiliate Secrets  you will get:

100% commissions on a $17 Front End product
100% commissions on a $27 upsell product
100% commissions on a $47 upsell product

In total, you will make up to $93 per sale!

This bonus alone is worth the price you pay for One Million Dollar Shortcut!

Custom Bonus 2

You will get access to all products within Affiliate Secrets.

Product 1 will teach you exactly what I’m doing to get the results that I’m having today. In this training, I will show you an easy way to drive hundreds of free visitors to your offers. If you follow this training I can’t see why you shouldn’t get results online.

The second product will show you how to create stunning (Facebook Live) videos with green screen, overlays, intro’s outro’s etc. This is a perfect fit if you want to up our game.

The third product will show you the strategies that I used to create my first product that I launched with Brett and Mike. I will show you how to get product ideas and how to create those products while you are not a developer yourself (I’m neither). I will also show you the perfect way how to sell these products.

Custom Bonus 3

You will get my $37 Re-engager WordPress plugin. This is the product that I created and launched with Brett and Mike (see the Million Dollar Shortcut sales page).

Re-engager is one of the coolest WordPress plugin that will force visitors back to your website once they have left. It re-engage visitors back to your site. Once they come back you can offer them anything you like through a popup, redirect, iframe, etc.

Install this plugin on your website, and you will see that you will get more (affiliate) sales out of your existing traffic. A perfect fit to sell your One Million Dollar Secret products!

Check out the official sales page here

Custom Bonus 4

I will give you a very powerful done for you capture system to easily build your list. It’s a capture page that you can give away for free. While giving it away you will automatically build your list on autopilot!

Bonus 5

For fast action takers, Brett and Mike also will give you the bonuses below.
Make sure if you have bought the product to access these bonuses immediately through your JVZoo account.

bonuses million dollar secrets

My custom bonuses (only for the first 50 buyers!)

And yep, those are my bonuses, way better than all the others out there and only available for the first 50 buyers.

My Final Review Score

Easy to use