Today I’m doing a review of the new Social Video Formula.
In short, Social Video formula is a course that will teach you exactly how to sell every kind of business on Facebook. It will show you exactly how you get an incredible click through and how to make a good income from the advertisements.
I have to say that it is harder to review a course than a product because I can show you a product, but a course may not be revealed.
But let me try to tell you what I think of this course.
First let me start with the creator Bill Macintosh. Bill Macintosh runs several large online businesses. He and his team were able to send over a 250 million visitors to his websites. So this guy knows what he is talking about, and he has done some serious research on video Marketing on Facebook, and you experience this in his course.
A few days ago I did a review of Social Video Blaze where Elviira a Work-From-Home Mom also explains how to do video marketing on Facebook. But if you compare this two courses then it’s like comparing a house mum with a big Internet Marketer. I still believe that Social Video Blaze is a good course for beginners, but if I had to choose, then I don’t have to think twice and go for the Social Video Formula. It’s much more mature. It takes you more in the depth of Facebook. It shows you exactly how to do every step. From how to make videos and what tools you can use to how to advertise in a more advanced way. And yes, it’s a course for beginners and for the more experienced marketer.
It’s all about the strategy
Internet Marketing is all about strategy, and Bill knows this.
Special about this course is that Bill has a different approach than the regular advertiser on Facebook. In Social Video Formula Bill precisely teaches you a special strategy that will create you a very targeted audience that is willing to follow, and buy from you. Also, Bill teaches you in this course how to optimize your videos so they become very cheap to advertise.
Social Video Formula Teaches you how Facebook works, and even better how Facebook is going to work for you! I learned a lot of things I didn’t know, and It’s just another way of putting a video online.
Are there things I didn’t like about Social Video Formula?
Yes, there is. The thing I don’t like is that this is an Ebook course, but this is just personal. I prefer videos, but hey… this doesn’t stop me from reading it.
Social Video Formula is a great course for the beginner and more experienced user. It teaches you step by step from start to end how to get real cheap Facebook traffic and how to get a super-targeted audience that is willing to follow you and buy your products.
At this moment, the course is being sold with $80 discount and on August the 25th the price will go to €97. So if you decide to get this course, then do it before this special launch offer closes.